First Cyberfeminist International 1997 Susanne Ackers Babeth Ulrike Bergermann Josephine Bosma Valentina Djordejvic Marina Grizinic Sabine Helmers Kathy Rae Huffman Margarete Jahrmann Vesna Jankovic Verena Kuni Shu Lea Cheng Ellen Nonnenmacher Vesna Manojlovic Diana McCarty Ingrid Molnar Mathilde MuPe Helene von Oldenburg Natalja Pershina Corrine Petrus Julianne Pierce Daniela Alina Plewe Barbara Rechbach Claudia Reiche Tamara Rouw Rasa Smite Cornelia Sollfrank Debra Solomon Josephine Starrs Barbara Strebel Olga Egerova Rena Tangens Gudrun Teich Kerstin Weiberg Faith Wilding Eva Wohlgemuth Ina Wudtke

home definition origins

Cyberfeminism is undefined by definition. It must instead be understood through what it is not. The "100 Anti-Theses" state that cyberfeminism is not: a fashion statement, an ism, an ideology, anti-male, science fiction, or an oxymoron. It uses the internet as a tool for female liberation, but it is also meant to be inclusive, a means of subverting the gender binary.

gallery resources cyberfeminism 2.0